Polling day at Queen's

Last week a group of our Year 11 students proved how politically minded and thoughtful our young people can be during a 2019 Election PSHE Workshop.

The students thought about the important issues facing our country today then researched the main parties' manifestos and approaches to tackling these issues. They the reported back to the group on the parties' ideas and importantly the students' own assessment of those ideas. Mrs McKeirnan and Miss Glynn were very impressed with their obvious political awareness and ability to read through bias and partisanship and deliver a good presentation to the group. The students also had an interesting debate on voting, reasons to vote and whether or not compulsory voting would be a good thing.

Pupils from Years 7 to 13 all voted in The Queen's School Mock Election on the morning of Thursday 12th December 2019 - polling day! Students from Year 11 provided a brief run through of each party's leader and key election promises based on work they did researching party manifestos in PSHE. All pupils then voted online giving them a taste of the democratic political process. It will be very interesting to see how our students votes compare the national results when they are available.

Researching manifestos
Researching manifestos
Presenting research findings
Presenting research findings
Presenting research findings
Presenting research findings
Researching manifestos
Researching manifestos
Presenting research findings
Presenting research findings
Presenting research findings
Presenting research findings