Year 7 Transition

Head of tranistion Gemma Glynn and her dog Pythagoras

Welcome to The Queen’s School.  We hope that you will be very happy here and are going to enjoy the wide range of subjects you will be taught along with meeting lots of new friends.

My name is Mrs Glynn and I am your head of year.  It is my job to make sure that you have a happy transition into Senior School and that you are happy every day that you come into school. You will see me around school a lot! I will also be teaching many of you for your PE and PSHE lessons.

A little bit about me…… I have lots of hobbies, I like to horse ride and love show jumping, I am a skier and a bit of a daredevil on the slopes!  I love every sport and you will see me on many occasions running up and down with our sports teams umpiring, coaching or generally cheering them on! I am a happy, positive, smiley chatterbox who loves teaching and in particular loves teaching at The Queen’s School. I have a cocker spaniel called ‘Pythagoras’ (I thought he deserved that name as I think he is a clever dog!) and I am a proud owner of a London Marathon medal. I am also the Head of PE at Queen’s and I also teach PSHE.

I wanted you to have your own part of the website full of information to help you feel more confident about your transition from Year 6 into Year 7 and give you chance to explore some of the key information that will be important to you as you enter Year 7. I have made a video with some of the questions I think you might ask, as well as all the information below to make you feel more relaxed about the process. 

At the bottom of the page are a few questions for you to see if you can answer based on what I have told you below. It's all just a bit of fun so see how many you can remember!

If you still have a question after reading this page, please don't hesitate to ask me and I will be sure to respond! Simply click on the button at the bottom of the page and I look forward to seeing you in September.