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Why Choose The Queen’s School for your Daughter’s Education

We recognise the importance of selecting a school for your daughter’s future, and are here to make that decision as smooth as possible. We offer a number of opportunities for you and your daughter to experience what makes Queen’s so special. Book a tour to see our superb facilities and meet some of our staff, we can then arrange a taster day for your daughter, where she will get to meet new friends and sample lessons she is interested in. Simply email admissions@thequeensschool.co.uk and we will happily arrange a meeting. In the meantime, find out why The Queen’s School is the best choice for your daughter’s education.

The history of The Queen’s School for Girls Chester

The Chester School for Girls, which serves young women from Chester and the surrounding area, was founded in 1878. When Queen Victoria issued a royal proclamation requiring that the school should “henceforth be known as The Queen’s School”. The fact that The Queen’s School is still the only school in the United Kingdom to bear this name is a source of great pride.

The Chester City Gaol and House of Correction are now the location of the Senior School. On property granted by the Duke of Westminster, the school buildings were built with the financial help of numerous prominent Chester families.

The Queen’s School is now regarded as one of the best independent girls’ schools in the country. Its founders can rest assured that their original concept has far exceeded their expectations. With the school’s pupils achieving distinction from the start, two of the sixteen girls who enrolled on the school’s inaugural day in 1878 would go on to gain a place at Cambridge, the first in a long and illustrious tradition.

Our school’s reputation for creating brilliant, creative, confident, and caring young women is built on our alumni’s abilities, accomplishments, and behaviours, which have been exhibited for decades and continue to be demonstrated today. Here are a few instances of Queen’s girls who embody what it means to be a Queen’s girl.

Our approach to learning

At Queen’s, learning is truly boundless; we take a comprehensive approach to educating children and teenagers. Our teachers’ knowledge is unsurpassed, and each girl’s individual progress is recorded and checked using a variety of methods, ensuring that no students fall through the cracks in any subject. Our assessment strategy is to be informative, frequent, and reflective. Parents are kept up to date on progress, and extra support and challenges are provided to ensure that all girls reach their full potential – at the highest level of ability, with our girls consistently achieving among the greatest external examination outcomes in the area as a result of this individualised learning.

Understanding how your daughter learns and identifying areas for improvement and enrichment allows for a clear road to success for all students. Our lesson plans will help her figure out how she learns best and develop critical thinking abilities from an early age.

It is critical that your daughter learns how to become a part of a future generation of renowned leaders, thinkers, and decision-markers who are ready to shape the world they live in. Whilst your daughter will learn these things at school, it is even more crucial that you assist her in developing a knowledge of the world around her. When it comes to leading a student through their school days, individual attentiveness is the key to success.

Our vision and values

To simply put it “to educate and empower more young women to lead and shape the world in which they live.” At our independent girls’ school in Chester, we believe in:

  • Excellence and ambition, which are ingrained into the culture.
  • Encouragement of self-confidence, esteem, and emotional intelligence.
  • A recognition of the advantage of single-sex education for girls.
  • The development of ties between the Lower School and the Senior is a priority.
  • A desire to provide possibilities for talent development.
  • Staff who are active and forward-thinking and are valued.
  • A desire to enhance aspirations through raising the profile of its students on a local, regional, and national level.
  • A forward-thinking attitude to the environment’s influence.


Think independently

Inspiring intellectual desire, boldness, and lifelong learning creativity. We never forget that we are assisting in the development of the future generation of leaders, innovators, and creators, and we do everything we can to maintain children’s and young adults’ natural curiosity and creativity.

Gaining Confidence at Queens

Girls are encouraged to understand that there is no such thing as a “correct answer”, to take risks, and to express themselves. Throughout their time at Queen’s, they learn to express themselves confidently and not to be intimidated by fear of making a mistake.

Feeling Empowered

Staff members are empowered to help each girl grow beyond her own aspirations. We worked on honing her capacity to contribute as a problem solver and creative thinker, both of which are increasingly relevant talents in today’s fast-paced world.

Contribute Confidently

Every girl at Queen’s is given the change to lead, create and innovate. She is admired for her contributions to many aspects of school life. In both the Senior School and the Lower School, girls are encouraged to take responsibility and there are numerous possibilities to work as part of a team and in a leadership capacity.

Gaining Leadership Skills

There are a variety of leadership positions available, ranging from Head Girl and Prefect responsibilities to lunchtime academic and creative clubs, peer monitoring, and sports leadership opportunities, allowing girls to develop their own style of leadership and learn the most effective ways to achieve positive results. Pupil-led committees allow young women to take their initial steps forward building cooperation skills, as well as empowering and shaping them as future citizens.

Being Inspired

Girls are frequently required to move outside of their comfort zones. IT needs a specific kind of atmosphere to do this, one where girls are encouraged to understand the broad picture and where intellectual risk is welcomes and recognised not just by teachers, but also by students.

Aspire Globally

At The Queen’s school, girls are encouraged to be aware of and comprehend their global responsibilities. Participation in community and charitable efforts, both locally and globally, fosters awareness and compassion.


From Reception onwards, we focus on language acquisition and cultural awareness, and Queen’s is the only independent school in the north of England to be formally recognised for its outstanding efforts in encouraging Mandarin Chinese studies. We received the prestigious designation of Confucius Classroom, which promotes an understanding of both Chinese language and culture.


Our young women are aware of the abundance of talent that has come before them, from mountaineers and TV hosts to artists, scientists, and business owners. Alumnae come for speeches and visits on a regular basis, and current students benefit much from their knowledge, experiences, and competence. Our newly built Virtual Boardroom provides each Senior School girl with hands-on experience working on business initiatives with industry mentors, while our Virtual Classroom connects students from around the world to provide a global perspective on learning. Our Environmental Warrior programme allows you to get involved in philanthropic activity and relationships all over the world.


Why The Queen’s School for Girls, Chester?

Whatever your daughter’s age, you may rest assured that Queen’s will provide her with a unique and excellent setting in which she will thrive. The outcomes speak for themselves: we provide a dynamic education in a rich and varied learning environment. We’re pleased to be a Time Top 100 school for A-level outcomes, and our girls excel academically and developmental progress across the board, preparing them to lead. But more than that, Queen’s provides a loving, nurturing environment which both inspires and supports girls, providing various opportunity for them to take on challenges and accomplish their full potential. Every Queen’s girl should leave us with the ability to think for herself, collaborate fearlessly, and dream worldwide. Read more about why you should choose us and the Head’s welcome to you.


Teaching happiness

“The most important job you and I will ever perform will be behind the wall of our own homes” (or in our case, within the walls of our all girls school in Chester), as Harold B. Lee put it. As parents, we want our children to be happy, and we know at Queen’s that a happy kid grows up to be a more successful and productive adult. So, how do we make sure that happiness is at the heart of everything we do? To explain it all, we’d need a much longer article, but in summary, we:

  • Teach our girls to form bonds with one another and to be confident in their own skin.
  • Encourage students to engage in tiny acts of kindness and generosity in order to foster empathy and connections.
  • Expect and reward effort rather than perfection.
  • Build resilience.
  • Embody optimisation, emotional intelligence, and self-discipline in your students.
  • Allow for a lot of unstructured play and enrichment activities.
  • Provide guidance so that students can look forward to achieving their objectives.

While balancing what is best for children with what makes them happy can be difficult, we at Queen’s think that the two do not have to be mutually exclusive. All of this means that we are raising girls who are capable of collaborating confidently, strive globally, and think for themselves.


The strength of Queen’s roots

There’s something reassuring about the idea of roots, which act as a sort of anchor, keeping us stable even when storms threaten. Storms have come and gone over this extraordinary year, but through it all, Queen’s has remained firmly anchored which demonstrates an underlying sense of comfort in knowing that no matter how far our branches grow, we can rely on the depth of our solid roots. “A tree can’t grow roots just as a storm appears on the horizon,” as the Dalai Lama wisely observes. And our young women who are now spreading their wings into the wider world will be accompanied by the honour and wisdom gained from their time with us, as well as the comfort of knowing that they will always have the strong roots of their experience at Queen’s to stand firm in the face of their own storms in the future.


Preparing our girls for the future

Recent events have demonstrated how adversity can bring out the best in people, and even entire communities, with everyone working together for the common good. It has also strengthened the view that schools must create an inspirational haven for children where they may acquire the traits and talents they will need to succeed in the future. We provide children something priceless by assisting them in becoming more confident and creative. So, how do we go about doing this? The goal is to take a child-centred approach to learning that prioritises the development of creativity and life skills over academic achievement. Children are born with an innate curiosity, which should be cultivated by allowing them to explore freely. We feed their interests at Queen’s and actively present them with unique and intriguing chances and activities to help them grow. Read more about how we prepare our girls for the future here.


Looking to the future

When we look back on 2020 and 2021, I’m sure we’ll all be filled with a combination of feelings – the uncertainty; the longing for normality while understanding we need to make changes to keep each other safe; the uncertainty about when it’s all going to end.


What is currently happening at Queen’s…


