How to Support
How to Support
Your support is fundamental to our success in moving forward with our plans for enhancing the facilities and opportunities available to every girl at The Queen’s School as part of our international community. We can accept payment in a number of ways and we welcome all donations whatever the size.
Your gift could help fund a bursary or scholarship place for a worthy student. It could have a lasting impact to honour a loved one for future generations or help provide enhancements to our inspirational teaching and current facilities. Whatever the level of the gift or your commitment please know that it will make a lasting difference to the lives of our pupils both today and tomorrow.
As a School, we will ensure that the highest standards of conduct apply to the recognition of our donors. We value the ability to inform donors where their gifts have made a difference, but we respect without question a donor’s right to anonymity.
Gifts to The Queen’s School Community – The Board of Governors of The Queen’s School welcome offers of donations of all sizes, whether in connection with specific campaigns like the Astroturf or to the Annual Fund, thus enabling continuing development over the long term. Donations must be freely given with no expectation of anything in return other than due thanks and recognition. The Governors’ are pleased to accept lawful donations which are given in good faith and which are compatible with the School’s aims, values and strategic objectives. As the School values and safeguards its autonomy, integrity and reputation, the Governors’ do not accept donations when a condition of acceptance would compromise these fundamental principles. The Acceptance of Donations Policy is available on request to the School.
Matched Giving – Check with your HR department if they have a matched-giving scheme. This is where the employer matches employee donations to charity, thereby increasing your gift to the School.
Payroll Giving – This is where you give a gift to charity as you earn, it is paid before tax and national insurance and so is very tax-efficient; your payroll department will provide a form if this is available.
Regular Giving – Regular Giving is the most popular way of making a tax-efficient charitable donation as it spreads the cost over a period of time. We hope, in particular, that parents will consider giving throughout their child’s entire life at Queen’s. Payments can be made monthly, quarterly or annually by direct debit. Your gift is made even more significant if you are a UK taxpayer as we are able to claim gift-aid on your donation. Regular gifts help us plan better and make an informed commitment to the funding or our bursaries and capital projects.
Single cash gift
Single or one-off donations, whatever their size, qualify for tax relief under the Gift-Aid scheme.
If you are a higher-rate 40% taxpayer, you yourself can claim further tax relief. Simply enter the details on your tax return.
You can give by cheque to The Queen’s School, or by bank transfer.
Details for bank payments
Account Name: The Queen’s School
Sort Code: 60-40-08
Account No: 0082 7088
By cheque
Made payable to The Queen’s School
Making a bequest
One of the most personal ways of supporting Queen’s is through leaving a legacy.
Making a bequest in a will is a tax-efficient method of giving, as it is free of inheritance tax and can greatly benefit the process of estate planning.
There are several ways in which a legacy donation can be made when writing or amending your will. We can advise and discuss options with you but strongly urge you also to seek independent advice.
If you have included or wish to include The Queen’s School in your will, we would welcome the opportunity to thank those who are making a financial contribution towards the future of the girls here at Queen’s.
Such gifts secure the future of the School and sustain the values that have shaped the lives of Alumnae. If you’d like to discuss the opportunity to make such a considered gift please email Mrs Keville, Headmistress, or telephone +44 (0)1244 312 078.
Tax-efficient Giving – Gift Aid
This allows the School to claim an additional 25p for each £1 you donate from the Government at no additional cost to you, this makes your donation worth even more. The basic rate of tax is 20%; therefore this means that a £100 gift aid donation to us is effectively worth £125 at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid can apply to donations of any amount, made by cash, cheque, direct debit, standing order, debit or credit card, or even donations made by foreign currency (including Euro).
Below are some examples of how a donation, at whatever level you can support, can add up to a substantial sum and make a meaningful gift to The Queen’s School. Making a Gift Aid declaration can significantly increase the value of your gift, as illustrated below, and higher rate taxpayers can also greatly reduce the actual cost of their donation.
For more information on Gift Aid scheme please visit the HM Revenue & Customs website.