Astroturf 1m² fundraising campaign

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A new Astroturf multi-sports pitch is coming our way at the Senior School site.

This impressive new facility will provide huge benefits for both our school and the local community and will encompass a full-size hockey pitch, a lacrosse pitch, a 200m running track and will also be available for a range of other outdoor sports and training activities, including netball, tennis and football.

Nationally it has become more important to ensure all young people, and most particularly girls, are given the opportunity, means and encouragement to embrace and enjoy sport and take part in physical activity for longer to benefit from the advantages an active life offers. This development will also be an invaluable resource for the local community in a city where facilities are in extremely short supply. Local schools and other community groups will also be able to take advantage of and utilise the new facility.

As such, we are therefore looking to raise £500K towards the build, ensuring our sporting grounds are fit for purpose and remain a vitally important sporting facility for the benefit of the pupils, city, and region both now and in the future. We know that this is an ambitious figure, but we are confident that together we can achieve it.

So how will we do this? We are asking our school, local community, and supporters, like you, to sponsor a minimum of 1m² of Astroturf at a cost of £90. Of course, any amount pledged is welcome and you can email for more information on ways to support. By sponsoring your very own piece of Astroturf, you will be helping not only The Queen’s School, but local schools, sports clubs, and more.

We have 5005m² available so tell your friends and family too. Each 1m² that is bought will bring us closer to our fundraising target and we really need your help to make this happen.

Donate 1m² (or more) today and in return, you will:

  • Have your name (or chosen name) on our donors’ commemorative wall displayed in the newly refurbished Pavilion
  • Be invited to the Ground-breaking and official Opening Ceremony
  • Receive a commemorative certificate
  • Have a mention of thanks on our website

Thank you for supporting our ‘1m²’ appeal. Email:

Donate to our astroturf campaign here