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Many of our girls go on to take Music A-level. A creative and specialist subject that illustrates dedication, resilience, and confidence.

We have good option numbers at A-level where pupils study performance, composition, listening and appraising. Examination results for Music at The Queen’s School are very high and pupils regularly go on to study music at universities and conservatoires. A number of girls have been successful in gaining choral scholarships at Oxford and Cambridge for degrees in a wide range of disciplines.

We study the Eduqas Music qualification which is split into 3 components as follow:

Students choose either Option A or Option B


Eduqas Music qualification
Component 1: Performing

Option A: Total duration of performances: 10-12 minutes – 35% of qualification

Option B: Total duration of performances: 6-8 minutes 25% of qualification

Component 2: Composing

Option A: Total duration of compositions: 4-6 minutes – 25% of qualification

Option B: Total duration of compositions: 8-10 minutes – 35% of qualification

Component 3: Appraising

Written examination: 2 hours 15 minutes

40% of qualification


We believe that all pupils should have the opportunity to make music, whether in a choir or an instrumental ensemble, and offer a variety of these in the extended curriculum. Our current co-curricular music provision for Sixth Form includes the following: Senior Choir and Chamber Choir, Senior Orchestra, Ukulele group, Rock and pop and a String Ensemble. We work closely with the drama department and this year delivered a fantastic musical production of “We will Rock you! involving a cast of girls from Years 7-13.

With House Choir competitions, The Queen’s Festival of Music, Chester festival competitions, concerts, and school events to showcase performances, there are plenty of opportunities to be involved in the music department.

An array of Instrumental, vocal and music theory lessons are taught by a well-qualified and experienced visiting team of 10 peripatetic music staff. Our teachers support and guide pupils through their grades and prepare our GCSE and A-level musicians through their performance recitals, working closely with music staff to ensure all pupils reach their full potential.