- Art
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Classical Civilisation
- Computer Science
- Design & Technology
- Drama & Theatre Studies
- Economics
- English Language
- English Literature
- French
- Further Mathematics
- Geography
- History
- Latin
- Mandarin
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Q-Elevate
- Religious Studies
- Spanish
- Extended Project Qualification
The analysis of every Latin sentence is a lesson in logic. Latin imparts an exceptional intellectual discipline; it develops abstract thinking, lucid expression and precise analytical skills, and provides a strong basis for further learning.
Latinists acquire a depth and mastery of not only Latin and its linguistic structure, but also modern languages, including English. Latin is also the study of the literary, social, and political culture that has informed our own for the past two millennia; Latin will expand your mental horizon.
A-level Latin comprises two elements; first, the Latin language; second, the analysis of and response to verse and prose literature in Latin.
Fascinating texts provide an insight into the Roman World. The texts change every two years but always challenge and engage. Past texts have dealt with themes such as war, love, madness, political intrigue to name a few. While reading these texts pupils will engage in discussion on literary style as well as the author’s purpose and place in Roman and Western literary tradition.
The OCR examination has four units at A-level, covering language, verse, and prose.
Latin is a rigorous subject which is very highly regarded by universities across a wide range of disciplines, both humanities and sciences; Latin is a highly regarded and immensely rewarding A-level. A qualification in Latin is a clear sign of academic ability and a willingness to challenge yourself. In a competitive world Latin will ensure you stand out from the crowd.
Many students of Latin go on to read classics, history, law, or the sciences at university. Latin is particularly useful for the study of modern languages, history, English, medicine and life sciences.
A level 7 (grade A) at GCSE Latin is a prerequisite to take the A-level.

- Art
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Classical Civilisation
- Computer Science
- Design & Technology
- Drama & Theatre Studies
- Economics
- English Language
- English Literature
- French
- Further Mathematics
- Geography
- History
- Latin
- Mandarin
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Q-Elevate
- Religious Studies
- Spanish
- Extended Project Qualification