English Literature
- Art
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- Classical Civilisation
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- Drama & Theatre Studies
- Economics
- English Language
- English Literature
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- Extended Project Qualification
English Literature
English Literature at A-level aims to develop an interest in an enjoyment of a wide range of English language prose, poetry and drama, and includes the study of writers from Shakespeare to Carol Ann Duffy, and everyone in between.
English is a popular subject at A-level. We currently offer English Literature, following the Eduqas specification.
In English Literature, you will explore the social, political and historical contexts underlying these texts and develop your own critical responses. Come prepared to debate and share your opinions on authors and poets on a course that is a genuine ‘journey of discovery’ through some of the most popular and most-discussed works of all time.
On your course you will cover a wide variety of literature both historical and modern. You will be studying:
- Prose fiction, including ‘The Handmaids Tale’ and a contemporary text of your choice
- Poetry from writers such as Carol Ann Duffy, Philip Larkin and John Milton
- Drama texts from the English Renaissance to the present day
Coursework remains a significant part of the A-level qualification and there will be opportunities to develop a project of your own linking a novel you study in class with a 21st century text of your choice. There are also lots of extracurricular opportunities such as cinema visits, theatre trips and lecture days.
You can study English Literature to degree level, either on its own or by combining it. Common careers for graduates include law, journalism or publishing but the communication and analysis skills that you will develop are highly sought after in almost every profession.
You will need a minimum of a level 7 grade at GCSE to enjoy studying English Literature at this level.

- Art
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Classical Civilisation
- Computer Science
- Design & Technology
- Drama & Theatre Studies
- Economics
- English Language
- English Literature
- French
- Further Mathematics
- Geography
- History
- Latin
- Mandarin
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Q-Elevate
- Religious Studies
- Spanish
- Extended Project Qualification