Drama & Theatre Studies

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Drama & Theatre Studies

This exciting and challenging course is designed for students who, not only love to read and watch theatre, but are also inspired to create their own performances, whether on stage themselves, or as directors or designers. The qualification emphasises practical creativity alongside research and theoretical understanding.

Across the two years, students will study two set plays, in terms of their performance potential and also analyse the work of live theatre makers. This will be assessed through a written examination.

The course also has a strong practical focus, where they will learn through experience, seeing and making theatre for themselves. Students will be introduced to the work and methodologies of a range of theatre practitioners and will use their knowledge and understanding to develop and then perform two assessed pieces.

The written units are externally set and marked. The devised drama piece is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated AQA and the scripted performances and reflected report are marked by AQA. This course is taught by the Drama Department. Period allocation will be five lessons per week, generally divided between two teachers.

A real passion for drama and theatre is very important to succeed in this subject and, although candidates will experience a range of opportunities to see live theatre as part of the course, they should also be prepared to undertake their own research. Students will also participate in practical workshops both inside and outside of the classroom.

Drama GCSE, although beneficial, is not a requirement for this course but high levels of literacy, an analytical mind and a creative spirit are needed.


Imagining what it is like to be someone other than yourself is at the core of our humanity. It is the essence of compassion and the beginning of morality.
Ian McEwan