Computer Science
- Art
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Classical Civilisation
- Computer Science
- Design & Technology
- Drama & Theatre Studies
- Economics
- English Language
- English Literature
- French
- Further Mathematics
- Geography
- History
- Latin
- Mandarin
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Q-Elevate
- Religious Studies
- Spanish
- Extended Project Qualification
Computer Science
OCR Computer Science, H446
01 Computer systems examination 40% 140 marks 2 hr 30 mins
- The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
- Software and software development
- Exchanging data
- Data types, data structures and algorithms
- Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues.
02 Algorithms and programming examination 40% 140 marks 2 hr 30 mins
- Elements of computational thinking
- Programming and problem solving
- Pattern recognition, abstraction and decomposition
- Algorithm design and efficiency
- Standard algorithms.
03 Programming project coursework 20% 70 marks
Students select their own user-driven problem of an appropriate size and complexity to solve. They will need to analyse the problem, design a solution, implement the solution and give a thorough evaluation.
Digital systems and applications are established in every aspect of our society and are fundamental to the successful operation of all businesses and organisations. Understanding how these systems are created and organised is a valuable skill which will enable students to adapt to the technological challenges of the future. A-level computer science develops skills and knowledge which are independent of specific technologies and will provide you with techniques and methods which will enhance your ability to solve problems and allow you to be creative.
Do you want to develop your ability to reason logically and think analytically? These are highly prized skills in the workplace and studying computer science will enable you to develop your abilities still further. You will develop an understanding of the structure and workings of a computer system and will use programming languages to create solutions to a range of problems. Thinking about how computers work will allow you to recognise computational thinking in natural and artificial systems and help you to perceive the impact of your study across a range of disciplines.
The computer science A-level course offers progression to a wide range of degree courses, but also equips you with valuable skills you can use in a wide range of fields. Typical degrees include Computing, Computation in Biology and Medicine, Computer Games, Software Engineering, Computer Forensics, Information Systems, and Internet Computing.
- Art
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Classical Civilisation
- Computer Science
- Design & Technology
- Drama & Theatre Studies
- Economics
- English Language
- English Literature
- French
- Further Mathematics
- Geography
- History
- Latin
- Mandarin
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Q-Elevate
- Religious Studies
- Spanish
- Extended Project Qualification