

Studying Art and Design provides entry to an unprecedented range of specialisms, skills – both traditional and digital – and careers.

Study Art and Design and develop:

  • Intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive capabilities
  • Investigative, analytical, experimental, practical, technical and expressive skills, aesthetic understanding and critical judgement
  • Independence of mind in developing, refining and communicating their own ideas, their own intentions and their own personal outcomes
  • An interest in, enthusiasm for, and enjoyment of art, craft and design
  • The experience of working with a broad range of media
  • An understanding of the interrelationship between art, craft and design processes and an awareness of the contexts in which they operate
  • Knowledge and experience of real world contexts and, where appropriate, links to the creative industries
  • Knowledge and understanding of art, craft, design and media and technologies in contemporary and past societies and cultures
  • An awareness of different roles, functions, audiences and consumers of art, craft and design.

Fine Art is the departments predominant focus. This option covers a broad and developing area of study that includes painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, performance and conceptual art and aspects of print-making, photography and film.


How will I be assessed?

There are two components at A-level:
Component 1 – Personal Investigation (60% of the qualification) and
Component 2 – Externally Set Assignment (40% of the qualification).

Component 1: Portfolio
The Personal Investigation consists of two integrated constituent parts:
1. A major in-depth critical, practical and theoretical investigative project/portfolio and outcome/s based on themes and subject matter that have personal significance;
2. An extended written element of 1000 words minimum, which may contain images and texts and must clearly relate to practical and theoretical work using an appropriate working vocabulary and specialist terminology

Component 2: Externally Set Assignment
This component is based on preparatory study that leads to a 15 hour period of sustained focus in which you will produce a response to a chosen visual or written stimuli.