Alumni Mentor Programme
Connecting Generations
Our girls are well aware of the wealth of talent that has gone before them: from mountaineers and TV presenters to artists, scientists and entrepreneurs, our former students regularly return for talks and visits so that they may pass on their knowledge, experiences and expertise. It is enormously powerful and only happens because our former pupils are more than willing to inspire others as they were inspired themselves. Hearing from female role models engaged in a wide variety of fields is absolutely vital.
The interconnection of Alumni and Careers Departments is a new initiative and we are excited to be at the forefront of developing this for our girls! The key areas that our Careers and Alumni Departments liaise on are alumni visits, alumni connections with individual students for work experience and careers advice, and alumni supporting the mock interview programme. We regularly hold alumni lunchtime meetings with small groups of Year 11 and 12. Subject staff also make arrangements for alumni to visit lessons, as well as inviting them to speak as part of our academic lecture programme.
We welcome back Alumni to speak to Year 11 and Year 12 and for our Uni Life Panel to speak honestly to the whole of Year 12 as a panel, and in smaller discussion groups, about all aspects of life stepping from Queen’s to university. Whilst doing so we continue to celebrate and congratulate our alumni success and achievements throughout their own careers