Skills & Experience for the Future

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At The Queen’s School, we understand that the careers our girls will pursue in the future might not even exist yet. That’s why we prioritise developing skills that are transferable across various career paths. Our approach includes a strong focus on soft skills and valuable volunteering experiences, ensuring our girls are well-rounded and adaptable.

Queen’s girls leave us not only with excellent qualifications but also as articulate, capable, and thoughtful young women. They possess the flexibility to tackle future challenges and seize opportunities head-on. Each year, our students achieve prestigious scholarships, internships, competition wins, and awards. We see them accepted onto highly competitive courses, thrive in tough interview situations and stand out from the crowd while on work experience placements.


Critical Thinking: Developing Independent Minds

Developing our pupils’ ability to ‘think independently’ – not just learn information – is integral to the school’s ethos.

We instil the belief that there is no single ‘right answer’ and encourage them to share their ideas confidently, without fear of making mistakes. This mindset equips them to navigate a rapidly changing world, where problem-solving and creative thinking are invaluable.

Queen’s girls are not exam-passing automatons; they can reason, explain, argue, debate, estimate, predict and extrapolate ideas. They have confidence in their own abilities and are able to communicate well, take calculated risks, assume responsibility and are happy to stand out from the crowd. These skills, which cannot be measured by exams, prepare our girls for happy, successful lives in a multitude of fields.


Alumnae Mentor Programme

Our pupils benefit from a rich legacy of accomplished alumnae, ranging from mountaineers and TV presenters to artists, scientists, and entrepreneurs. These former students regularly return to share their knowledge, experiences, and expertise, inspiring the next generation. This powerful network thrives because our alumnae are eager to give back, just as they were once inspired.

Hearing from female role models in diverse fields is crucial and we are proud to have a well-established interconnection between our Alumni and Careers Departments to enhance this experience for our girls.

Key activities include alumni visits, individual mentoring, careers advice, and support for mock interviews. Regular alumni lunches allow small groups of Year 12 students to engage with speakers before their presentations to a broader audience. Subject staff also facilitate alumnae visits to lessons and academic lectures.

Events like Oxbridge Life and Uni Life are highly successful. We invite Oxford and Cambridge students to share insights with Year 11 and Year 12, and alumnae discuss the transition from Queen’s to university life with the whole of Year 12, both in panels and smaller groups.

At The Queen’s School, we prepare our girls to be confident, successful, and ready to lead and shape the world they live in, fostering a community of lifelong learners and leaders.