See our Senior School
The Queen’s Senior School is located on the historic city walls overlooking Chester Racecourse while the Lower School is a short distance away on Liverpool Road.
Our outdoor sports facilities enable a wide range of sports, including lacrosse, hockey and athletics. Netball and tennis is played on our recently resurfaced courts.
The development of our sport and fitness facilities at the Senior School helps us now deliver an impressive range of activities daily for our girls and we have exciting plans for a major investment in the sporting provision at Queen’s pending.
Planning permission has now been granted to build an Astroturf multi-sports pitch on our playing field at the senior school site. This impressive new facility will provide huge benefits for both our school and the local community and will encompass a full-size hockey pitch, a lacrosse pitch, a 200m running track and will also be available for a range of other outdoor sports and training activities, including netball, tennis and football.
This will be a significant new resource for the girls at Queen’s, which will give many more opportunities to play sport throughout the year, and it will also be a valuable new centrally-located resource for the local community outside of school hours and during school holidays. We view this development as vital for hockey and outdoor sport in general at Queen’s, as well as an invaluable resource for the local community which will increase the opportunities to play sport and engage in outdoor activities for more people and for longer periods of time throughout the year, in a city where facilities are in extremely short supply.
Our Sixth Form Centre can be found next to the main school. When students are not studying, they are able to relax in the modern Sixth Form block, which contains two well-equipped common rooms, kitchen facilities, lockers, study rooms and classrooms with a library on the ground floor.
Both the Year 12 and 13 common rooms have LED screens, sofas, coffee tables and dining areas. At lunchtime, girls can either eat in the main school, take out a meal from the dining room or pop into the city centre where dozens of cafés and coffee shops are less than a five minute walk away.
Importantly, everything is well used and maintained, ensuring the girls have access to some exceptional facilities.