Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is an important part of our curriculum at The Queen’s School.
Our aim is to help students become open-minded, adaptable, realistic and self-reliant, with respect for themselves and other people, and have a sense of responsibility to the community, society and the environment. We aim to lay a foundation for her future development in the world, in relationships, at work and at leisure.
Every year group accesses content across three core themes:
- Relationships (including statutory RSE)
- Health and Wellbeing (including statutory Health Education)
- Living in the Wider World
All content is age appropriate and builds on previous years’ learning in a spiral programme. All content takes account of the off and online contexts that today’s pupils find themselves in with e-safety an important part of all themes.
The Year 12 programme has a greater emphasis on specialist outside speakers although interesting and informative speakers do feature in other years as well.
The aim of PSHE is to support our pupils’ in developing the key skills and attributes they need to help them make informed choices and deal responsibly with a range of decisions or situations. Those skills and attributes include:
- Resilience
- Assertiveness
- Judgement
- Confidence
- Character
- Self-esteem
- Values
- Decision making
- Risk analysis
- Communication
- Negotiation
Our curriculum is firmly rooted in the school’s values of honesty, trust, tolerance and integrity; and our aim is for every pupil to feel a secure sense of self-worth; responsibility; respect for others; and encourage physical and mental well-being.
Teaching topics include: body confidence; stress management; substance misuse; healthy relationships and consent; British values; your virtual world; diversity; human rights; managing money; and business and enterprise.
The PSHE curriculum is also heavily integrated with the school’s form time, assembly and pastoral programmes with the development of the key skills and attributes being central to the programmes delivered in these areas of school life.
In Years 7 – 11, pupils also access a regular, structured careers workshop programme through PSHE with our Head of PE Mrs Dawson.