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Physics is the study of the world around us. The department aims to give pupils the opportunity to:

  • Develop an understanding of physics, whilst appreciating its power and its limitations
  • Develop their observational, numerical and investigative abilities
  • Develop a thirst for further knowledge and to help them think logically
  • Develop their understanding of the technological and environmental applications of physics
  • Prepare each individual girl to achieve her maximum potential in examinations

At Key Stage 3 level: Physics topics that are covered include Energy, Electric Circuits, Light, Sound, Magnetism, Forces, The Solar System, and Static Electricity. Practical Activities are widely utilised in every topic, and a skills-based topic involving the measurement, analysis and evaluation of data is also taught.

At GCSE level: the AQA GCSE Physics specification is followed. The content is covered throughout Years 9-11 and is examined through two written papers at the end of Year 11 which test understanding of facts and theories as well as recall of practical procedures. There is no controlled assessment or coursework aspect to the GCSE.

At A-level: the AQA Physics Specification A is followed. The course is challenging, but good grades are achieved through hard work and determination.

The physics department enhances the teaching of the curriculum by offering various additional activities:

  • Astronomy club for Key Stage 3 pupils
  • Science Club for all pupils
  • Attending talks by eminent scientists
  • Physics Olympiad Competitions for GCSE and A-level students
  • Trip to CERN for advanced level students