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English is taught by a dedicated team of experienced professionals, all English graduates. We work hard to provide lessons that engage, inspire and challenge so that students of all abilities enjoy English and make excellent progress.

In English we aim:

  • To develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing necessary to communicate with others confidently, accurately, effectively and appropriately
  • To speak and write with imagination and precision, in a variety of forms and for different audiences
  • To become critical, analytical readers of a range of fiction and media texts
  • To foster a lifelong interest in the written and spoken word
  • To read widely and independently and, in doing so, to explore the moral, spiritual, cultural and social values of other contexts


Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3, students study language and literature. Students enjoy a breadth of fiction, non-fiction and media texts as well as developing skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Girls in Years 7 – 9 also enjoy lots of extracurricular events to support their studies such as theatre trips and study visits. There are also active reading and writing clubs which meet regularly.



At GCSE, all students study both GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature, following the AQA syllabus for both. Students study a variety of contemporary poetry, prose and drama texts as well as texts from the English Literary Heritage. Creative writing is also a strong feature of the course, covering both fiction and non-fiction genres. Students will have the chance to supplement their studies with a wide range of learning activities beyond the classroom. In the past two years GCSE students have been supported through visiting speakers, theatre visits, a performance by a touring theatre company and other events.



Students have the opportunity to study English Language and English Literature for A-level. In English Language, following the EDEXCEL syllabus, they consider the roots of language, the variety of language around the world and the way in which language use changes with context. In English Literature, through the EDUQAS specification, they study a variety of poetry, prose and drama from the 17th century up to the present day. All students in the English department are encouraged to develop their knowledge beyond the classroom through a varied programme of events.

English GCSE Past Papers & Inspiration