Senior Curriculum

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A Tailored Curriculum for Success

In Years 7-9 the aim is to provide pupils with a broad and comprehensive secondary school curriculum. They have the opportunity to follow all three separate sciences and to establish a firm foundation in mathematical and linguistic skills. The curriculum includes a programme of PSHE and provides experience in the humanities, technologies and in physical, aesthetic and creative education.

Spanish is taught throughout Years 7-9, Mandarin is taught to all Year 7 pupils and becomes optional in Year 8, while French and Latin are available as options from Year 8. In the GCSE years the core curriculum comprises English and English Literature, mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology with PE and PSHE also part of the timetable. Girls then have three or four further option choices from a range of languages, humanities and creative practical subjects. Pupils normally study nine GCSE subjects.

The Queen’s School
Achiving Excellence
Independent school
North West England
Highest Possible
Inspection rate of ‘Excellent’ in all areas.
Gold Level Award
Outstanding careers provisions
Supporting our Pupils
Bursaries & Scholarships
There are opportunities for parents to obtain financial assistance for their daughters at Infant, Year 7 and Year 12 entry.
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Independent school
North West England
Highest Possible
Inspection rate of ‘Excellent’ in all areas.
Gold Level Award
Outstanding careers provisions