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Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.

View a video montage of the day here.

It was certainly a school experience like no other for one pupil at The Queen’s School, as she stepped into the shoes of the Headmistress for the day.

Fran in Year 11 won the remarkable opportunity at the Sports Awards Dinner at the Senior School just before the summer break after bidding in the charity auction.

The day provided Fran with an insight into the world of school leadership, offering her a chance to influence school life and inspire her fellow students from a different perspective.

Leadership and public speaking skills were put into action right from the start as she began the day at the helm of the morning staff briefing, before leading the ‘Recognition Assembly’ in the Hall, alongside her selected Head Girls Team.

Next up was an Estates meeting focused on the school’s new Astroturf project. This hands-on experience gave Fran a behind-the-scenes look at the decision-making process that shapes the School’s facilities

After the meeting, Fran headed off to her office to unwind and connect with Year 7 pupils during a hot choc and chat session, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie across the year groups.

In a break from the norm, Fran was able to wear her own clothes for the day, making a stylish and confident statement of leadership. She also enjoyed a special lunch in the staff dining room, where the menu had been curated to Fran’s preferences, thanks to Chef Manager Jon.

To add an element of fun to the day, Fran had requested for an ice cream van to be on site, allowing all pupils to indulge in a sweet treat and creating a memorable experience for everyone.

Headmistress Mrs Sue Wallace-Woodroofe did not get to put her feet up for the day – she switched roles with Fran and became a pupil, wearing uniform and attending some lessons. She said: “I was thrilled to see Fran take on this role, and believe it was an invaluable experience for her personal and leadership growth. It’s an honour to support and empower our pupils in such innovative ways. She did a fantastic job and I could tell she enjoyed it!”

Reflecting on her experience, Fran said: “It was great to see what goes on behind the scenes because you never really know or appreciate what goes on beyond the classroom as a pupil. I really enjoyed the staff briefing and it was nothing like I expected it would be. I thought it would be much more serious than it was, and it was nice to see how everyone gets involved. The assembly was the scariest part, but I definitely feel my public speaking confidence has improved.”

As she came to the end of her tenure, Fran made one last announcement to declare Monday as a non-uniform day for pupils in aid of her chosen charity, The British Heart Foundation.

The “Headmistress for the Day” experience exemplifies Queen’s commitment to providing pupils with extraordinary learning opportunities, nurturing their leadership potential, and fostering a sense of community within the school.

Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.
Queen’s pupil made Headmistress for the day.