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Peak District Prep: Students and Staff Gear Up for Tanzania Expedition

28 students and staff who are off to Tanzania this summer took part in a mini-expedition to help them prepare for the challenge ahead with a big emphasis on team building.

The training weekend in the Peak District aimed to simulate the conditions of the expedition as far as possible within the restrictions of the UK environment. 

Throughout the training, groups worked together as a team under the guidance of a qualified and experienced True Adventure Leader who taught them basic expedition skills, whilst introducing elements of team dynamics and leadership.

The demanding programme involved the teams camping and cooking for themselves, assimilating the conditions of the expedition. They took part in a strenuous hike while learning about the lost procedure, first aid scenarios, casualty evacuation procedure and various other scenarios that could unfold during their expedition.

The students and staff are heading off to Tanzania for three weeks in July where they will work with Better Lives on a project to help the local community. This could involve refurbishing buildings, putting in FAITH (Food Always In The Home) vegetable gardens, building pig pens or chicken coups to allow communities to become self-sufficient, building handwashing facilities at a school or doing repairs around the village.

Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition
Tanzania mini-expedition