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Special & Educational Needs

At The Queen’s School, we are aspirational for all of our pupils regardless of any additional needs or disability. We pride ourselves on knowing our pupils really well and our small class sizes, continuous monitoring and low-key assessments, along with Quality First Teaching ensures all pupils are supported effectively within the classroom. This enables our staff to identify needs as early as possible and strategies are put in place to support and reduce any barriers to learning.  

The SEN team, in discussion with teaching staff, advise on enhanced support and strategies within the classroom where required. If further support or investigation is then needed then one-to-one or small group intervention programmes to support areas such as phonics, reading, social skills, emotional skills and mathematics take place, for recommended pupils. High achieving pupils are quickly recognised and stimulated through differentiated challenges and investigations by highly skilled staff. 

The special needs of any individual pupil are recognised and respected. All pupils with medical conditions will be properly supported so that reasonable adjustments are made to ensure they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education. A special educational need or disability is not a barrier to joining The Queen’s School. 

All our staff are regularly trained in SEND issues and the appropriate referral pathway. We have a fully trained SENDCo and team, dealing with a wide range of needs, who work in close partnership with all staff to ensure that a cohesive, inclusive and progressive approach is provided to every pupil that needs it. 

The ethos of Queen’s encourages pupils to embrace their differences, to be self-aware enough to know how best they learn, and to never see a disability or a special educational need as a reason to not try something.

What our parents say about us
My daughter is valued and fully supported as an individual – they really do go the extra mile to help.
Queen’s School Parent
Queen’s School
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