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On behalf of the QSPA, welcome to The Queen’s School

We hope that both you and your daughter enjoy your time as members of our Queen’s Community. Parents automatically become members of QSPA when their daughters join The Queen’s School. The QSPA became a registered charity no. 1150580 in January 2013. Our board of trustees includes two Parent Governor Representatives (elected by parents), Treasurer, Secretary to the Trustees and Headmistresses of both our senior and junior schools.

We are led by an Events Team of enthusiastic parents, who organise and manage social events to bring together our school community. Our events also raise money to support school projects, providing equipment and resources to enhance the provision of education at school, ensuring that every girl flourishes throughout her time at Queen’s.

Our past events include: The Queen’s School Garden Party, which is held every summer at Lower School; Easter and Halloween bingo; informal coffee mornings and #shopPreloved school uniform sales. Our showpiece fundraiser is the fabulous Queen’s School Ball, held every two years. November 2022 heralded a return to Chester Racecourse, where parents and teachers enjoyed a fabulous night out at our ‘Black and Gold Ball’.  Earlier this year QSPA were thrilled to welcome parents and staff to our Casino Night, held in our historic Senior School Hall. These whole school events are a great opportunity for you to widen your friendship circle within our Queen’s Community.

Our fundraising has sourced a wide range of items and projects across both school sites, including playground equipment, minibuses, pianos and a variety of resources for a number of departments. More recently QSPA donated to provide furnishings for the Senior School KS3 pastoral office to create a welcoming, comfortable space. 2020 saw QSPA donate funds to support the installation of floodlights at both Lower and Senior School, to ensure that after school sporting activities, team practices and other outdoor events could continue within the safe confines of The Queen’s School. Last September our Lower School proudly opened a Mindfulness garden space – the installation of the Flower Power garden, designed by Anca Panait for the Tatton Park Show. Our thanks to parents David Binks, his team at Landstruction; Adam Dandy and Dandy’s Topsoil and Landscape Supplies for their help in making this project a resounding success.

This year QSPA has sponsored the production of ‘Six’ to support our Drama and Music departments by provision of ‘Sounddesign’ technical support, and to provide costumes for the 70 strong cast from across the years at Senior School.

In addition QSPA has donated funds to purchase a new sound desk for Lower School, which will be used at a variety of School events as well as drama and music performances and productions.

We would not be able to make wonderful things happen for the girls without our wonderful volunteers and encourage you to get involved too! Our Events Team always appreciate offers of help and time, however small and occasional. We meet up twice a term, either via Zoom or face to face in the Virtual Boardroom at Senior School. We are always interested in listening to and sharing new ideas and suggestions. If you feel you have time, ideas or anything else to contribute, or simply want to find out more please email us qspa@thequeensschool.co.uk

Please get involved and support our work to provide access to the best possible opportunities for every student at Queen’s. You can do this by attending our events, coming to meetings, offering to help prepare for or to run an event. Volunteering for the QSPA and participating at events and meetings is also a great way for you to meet other parents and learn more about life at Queen’s.

Preloved Queen’s Uniform: #shopPreloved online!

Our preloved uniform sale is available online with contact free payment made via BACS to help make your life that little bit easier! Please email our uniform guru Rachel on prelovedQU@yahoo.com stating what you are looking for, including the size and whether it’s for Lower or Senior School and we will find it for you! With blazers, kilts and most items of PE kit priced at £10 or less, choosing to #ShopSmart with QSPA could save you a lot of money. You’ll be supporting education at Queen’s and it’s eco friendly too!


From groceries to clothing to utility providers to car & home insurance to holidays…

Our successful association with Easyfundraising continues. We can raise free donations from a variety of retailers and companies by registering and shopping online with Easyfundraising via https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/thequeensschoolpa/ 

To date this has raised over £1100 in donations. We are enormously grateful to our Queen’s Community for choosing to participate.

2024-2025 meetings and events

QSPA Events Team Meetings 7-9pm Our meetings are held twice a term on Tuesday evenings, either remotely via Zoom or in person at Senior School. Whether your daughter’s Queen’s School learning journey has just begun, or she’s reached the heady heights of Q6 (Sixth Form) you’re very welcome to take part. We shall announce the dates of forthcoming meetings via the weekly Lower and Senior School newsletters, and on our twitter feed.

Coffee mornings Friday 8.30-10.30am in the Dining Room at Lower School: “drop in at drop off”.  Senior and Lower School parents are warmly invited to join us for these informal get togethers; it’s a great way to meet other parents and learn more about life at Queen’s. We shall list the new dates for these twice termly events on School’s weekly newsletter and twitter.

Festive Fun Saturday 7 December 2024 at Lower School

Bonkers Bingo Friday 28 February 2025 in Senior School Hall – just for parents!

QSPA Golf Day June 2025

QSPA Garden Party at Lower School June 2025

For our latest news browse follow us on twitter @QueensSchoolPA. There is also a weekly QSPA update on both Lower and Senior School newsletters.