In addition, a number of standing sub-committees held on a regular basis provide the opportunity for Governors to meet with appropriate members of staff to review a range of issues. Governors’ sub-committees are Finance, Audit and Risk Management, Chairs and Deputies Steering Group, Education, Estates and Strategy and Marketing Forum. Staff sub-committees on which the Governors are represented also deal with Health and Safety matters. There are link arrangements in operation whereby each Governor has a particular contact with one or more of the school departments. In addition, the Governors meet regularly with parents through the QSPA Committee.
Any parent wishing to contact the Chair of Governors should email the following address: or may write to The Chair of Governors, c/o The Queen’s School, City Walls Road, Chester, CH1 2NN.
Membership of the Governing Body.
There are three categories of Governor:
- One Ex-officio Governor, who is the Bishop of Chester.
- Nine Co-opted Governors, appointed by the Governors for a term of five years.
Eight Representative Governors, one from each of the following institutions except the Parents’ Association which appoints two. Appointments are made for a period of three years, with the exception of Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council, whose representative is appointed for a period of approximately five years, in line with the election of councillors. - The Educational Foundation of Dr. Robert Oldfield.
- Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council, as the Local Education Authority.
- The Council of the University of Liverpool.
- The Council of the University of Chester.
- The Chester Municipal Charities.
- The Dean and Chapter of Chester Cathedral.
- The Queen’s School Parents’ Association.
The Queen’s School, Chester is a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales with charity number 525935. The sole corporate trustee of The Queen’s School, Chester is the charitable company limited by guarantee, also known as The Queen’s School Chester. The company is registered with Companies House with company number 13389872 and also registered with the Charity Commission with charity number 1198230.
The registered office address of The Queen’s School, Chester is The Queen’s School, City Walls Road, Chester, Cheshire, England, CH1 2NN and its governors (who are the directors of the company).
Chair of the Governing Body:
Mrs K J Whiteley, BA (Hons) PGCE NPQH
Vice-chairs of the Governing Body:
Rev Dr L E Cooke, PhD MA BEd (Hons) Cantab Dip Theo AFBPsS FHEA Professor Emerita
Mrs F Roochove, MA (Cantab)
Other Governors
Ms J Benton, BEd (Hons) NPQSL
Mrs C Brooks, BA (Hons)
Mrs S C Danby, BSc (Hons), FRICS, MAPM
Mr A J Dandy, Dip, Honorary Freeman of Cheshire West and Chester
Lord Mayor Cllr R Daniels, FGA DGA
Mrs L Fearnall BA (Hons)
Dr Q Jaffri
Mrs E Johnson, JP
Mrs H McKelvey, BA (Hons), FCA (ICAEW), CTA (CIOT)
Mrs A L Unett, MA (Cantab) TEP
Mr P Wildes, ACMA