Benefits of a Girls School
An inspirational environment for girls
To state the obvious, girls at GSA schools are surrounded by female role models – from their peers and older girls to prefects and alumnae, not to mention many of their teachers.
Queen’s is a small welcoming community where each girl is known as an individual. Behaviour which is understanding, respectful and kind is modelled by staff and expected of all our pupils.
Our curriculum, enrichment clubs and all extended learning opportunities are designed with girls in mind – whether academic, sports or the arts, activities are offered which will inspire and engage girls with a range of different interests and aptitudes.
Academic Excellence
The Queen’s School regularly ranks highly in all national academic league tables and is one of the leading schools regionally for academic performance.
Girls in all-girls schools often achieve high academic results compare to those in coeducational settings and every year we wave girls off to a wide range of prestigious universities as well as other academic pursuits.
Leadership Opportunities
GSA schools create nurturing environments where girls feel okay about taking charge and putting themselves forward.
With only girls in the classroom and on the sports field, both intellectual and physical confidence has room to grow. Every girl has every opportunity to become a leader, a form captain, a Head of House. They learn not just how to shoulder responsibility, but also how to take risks, inspire and lead others. This is particularly the case in Queen’s Sixth Form where every girl selects a specific role of responsibility, leads clubs, acts as a mentor to younger pupils and as an ambassador for the school.
It’s true that ‘real life’ isn’t single sex, but it’s also true that teenagers are not adults and that by allowing them the opportunity to develop a strong sense of self away from the scrutiny of the opposite sex, girls’ – and boys’ – schools can help children to become more confident adults. By the time they enter the world of university, work and life, they have acquired the life skills and self-confidence to really succeed.