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Our School

Secure in themselves and their environment, Queen’s girls develop the courage to persevere when things are difficult, to challenge ideas and to forge their own path in life. Their ability to achieve great things in school and after they leave comes from their pursuit of full and happy existence, coupled with a curious mind which has been honed in a genuinely nurturing environment. They leave us ambitious, independent, confident and able, ready to take their place in the world.

Whether you are considering us for entry into primary, secondary or sixth form, you can be confident that Queen’s offers a unique and exceptional environment in which your daughter will be encouraged to understand and reach her potential.

Bespoke tours and taster days are available by contacting our Admissions Department. Simply email admissions@thequeensschool.co.uk.

Headmistress’ Welcome

what we stand for
Our Values
Independent school
North West England
Highest Possible
Inspection rate of ‘Excellent’ in all areas.
Gold Level Award
Outstanding careers provisions
Supporting our families
Bursaries & Scholarships
There are opportunities for parents to obtain financial assistance for their daughters at Infant, Year 7 and Year 12 entry.
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Independent school
North West England
Highest Possible
Inspection rate of ‘Excellent’ in all areas.
Gold Level Award
Outstanding careers provisions