Course improves understanding

A mixture of parents from our Lower and Senior Schools took part in the accredited Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England Introductory Half Day course.  

Last academic year The Queen’s School boosted its ongoing commitment to our students’ all-encompassing wellbeing by working with Julie Paterson, a well-being practitioner and instructor for Mental Health First Aid, to train 15 members of our teaching and support staff to be accredited Mental Health First Aiders.

Julie returned to Queen's this week to give parents the opportunity to benefit from her skills and expertise. To raise knowledge of mental health; address some of the stigma around mental ill health; and provide practical hints and tips on how to discuss and promote mental well being at home with our families at any age.

The aim of MHFA England is to put to mental and physical first aid on an equal footing to address the fact that mental ill health has become the dominate health need of our time.  

Recent national news coverage raises considerable concerns about the well-being of young people and the current provision of service to support their needs. Far from being complacent about this, the pastoral support offered at Queen’s is very strong and our commitment to MHFA training for our staff  and parents where they want more information is one example of this.

The course was very well received and we hope to do more courses if parents are interested next academic year.