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New Beginnings at The Queen’s School

As the leaves begin to change and the crisp autumn air sets in, it’s the perfect time to reflect on new beginnings. For me, that’s settling into my new role as Deputy Head and navigating through those first few weeks of term, getting to know the pupils, staff, and, importantly, finding my way to the elusive photocopier (why is it always in the last place you check?!).

Starting something fresh, whether it’s a new term or a new role, brings with it a mixture of excitement, anticipation, and, yes, perhaps a little nervousness. It’s an experience I’m sure many of our Year 7s are going through right now. Whether they’re new to Queen’s or transitioning from the Lower School to Senior, we’re all in this together finding our rhythm, and building connections. The unfamiliar corridors, new faces, and the small flutters of nervousness they might be feeling are all things I, too, have experienced in my first few weeks here. But, as with any new beginning, these first steps are also full of opportunities: new friendships, new discoveries, and the start of something truly special.  These moments of change are full of promise and potential and I truly believe that for all of us at Queen’s, whether we’re pupils, teachers, or part of the wider school community, this year holds endless possibilities. 

What makes this school so wonderfully unique is its heart and its authenticity. From the very first day, I felt the warmth and camaraderie that defines life at Queen’s. It’s a school where people genuinely care—whether it’s a colleague offering to show you how the IT system works (again!), or the Form Tutor who knows exactly when to ask how a pupil is feeling after a tricky day. The small, nurturing atmosphere permeates every corner of Queen’s, creating a space where staff and pupils alike feel supported, valued, and encouraged to flourish.  

Having worked in both the independent all-girls and state sectors, I’ve seen firsthand the impact that different educational environments can have. It’s the personal touches that make the difference in everything we do. For me, Queen’s truly stands out because of its heart—a close-knit community, a place where every pupil is known, every teacher is engaged, and every achievement, big or small, is celebrated. I’ve been impressed that this is not just something the school says, but rather lives every day. From the moment I walked through the doors, I felt the friendliness, and genuine care that radiates through the school. 

Our girls are encouraged to take risks, make mistakes, and ultimately grow into strong, confident young women. That authenticity isn’t just a promise we put on a brochure, it’s the lived experience of every girl. And now, as a member of staff, I can say with certainty that it’s the same for us too.  

On a personal note, with two young children of my own, I understand the trust parents place in a school, and I want to reassure you that your daughters are in great hands. That’s why I’m committed to ensuring that every girl at Queen’s feels supported, challenged, and inspired throughout their time here. Indeed, it’s an honour to be a part of shaping their educational journey and one of the reasons I’m so excited for the year ahead.

As we look to the rest of the academic year, there’s so much to be excited about. We have ambitious plans for continued development at Queen’s, and I’m eager to play my part in that. Whether it’s through new programmes that enrich the curriculum, enhancements to our co-curricular offerings, or simply building on the wonderful work already in place, I’m confident that together we’ll achieve great things this year. Our focus will be on nurturing both academic brilliance and emotional resilience, ensuring that each and every girl is given the tools she needs to succeed, both here at Queen’s and in life beyond our gates.  

I, for one, can’t wait to see what this new chapter brings for all of us—pupils, staff, and parents alike. Here’s to new beginnings, bold adventures, and a year of inspiration!  

The true end of education is not only to make the young learned, but to make them love learning; not only to make them industrious, but to make them love industry; not only to make them virtuous, but to make them love virtue; not only to make them just, but to make them hunger and thirst after justice.

Author….John Ruskin

Deputy Head
Dominic Penney