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Navigating University Applications and Choices After Sixth Form

As Year 12 students embark on the journey of university applications, our summer term’s programme of UCAS support events launched this week, with a focus on offering valuable guidance on making informed choices amidst the sea of higher education options. With over 50,000 courses and 400 institutions to choose from, the task may seem daunting, but with the right insights, our students can learn to navigate this maze effectively.

Fiona Cook, a member of the outreach team at the University of Nottingham, shed light on the complexities of course and university selection:

“There are many factors to consider, not least how courses are assessed or examined, as well as narrowing down to a precise subject or whether you might want to take a combined degree of two subjects or more.”

One of the key recommendations offered was the significance of attending university open days. Fiona highlighted them as “probably the best way to find out more from staff and current students about the courses you are interested in.” These events provide firsthand experiences and allow prospective students to gauge the atmosphere, facilities, and culture of their potential academic homes.

Fiona also outlined the attractions of Nottingham as a destination for applicants, highlighting its leafy campus setting, its status as a Russel Group university, and also its opportunities for overseas travel, to its international campuses in Malaysia and China.