Before & After School
Sunrise and Sunset Club
At our Lower School we provide care for pupils before and after school. A dedicated team of staff is available every day to look after the girls in a warm and friendly environment.
We operate two services:
Before School Sunrise Club, 7.45 – 8.15 am
Girls receive a breakfast of cereal, hot buttered toast and a cold drink. They also take part in creative activities; reading, writing, table-top play, small world play and construction.
After School Sunset Club, 3.15 – 6.00 pm
In Sunset Club, girls follow a regular routine of eating a light snack and then taking part in one or more of the available activities in a home-from-home experience.
Through themed activities, the staff ensure children are individually supported in a warm and caring environment. Pupils can take part in computing, gardening, art and craft, meditation and outdoor play.
A delicious tea of fresh sandwiches and crudités is provided to fill the gap between school and home. A homework area is also available to ensure that work is carefully completed before the fun begins.
For more information, please click below to view our out-of-hours booklet or contact the School Secretary on 01244 382 843.