Any trip is exciting but throw in a train trip and a few dinosaur relics and you are sure to hit the threshold of uber excitement! It was with an intrepid spirit of adventure that Year 2 departed from Bache station bound for Liverpool Lime Street. From here, it was a quick walk to the Liverpool Museum.
Following a tour of the ‘Bone and Stones’ exhibition, the girls settled down for a fascinating ‘Bug’ talk where we learnt a little bit more about creatures much smaller than a dinosaur! After a well-earned delicious lunch, it was time to head home. We can sometimes forget that a trip is so much more than just the destination… the journey is often the most memorable part!
Year 5 experienced the life of a pilgrim at Chester Cathedral as they spent a day there learning about pilgrims and taking part in activities. Some were choristers, joining the Cathedral Choir for the day, whilst others made pilgrim purses or modelled sugar craft. Breakfast with the Abbot was another highlight as the girls donned monks robes and discovered the demanding duties of being a monk.