We’re pleased to announce the appointment of our new Year 6 House Captains at The Lower School.
The girls were elected after writing and delivering speeches persuading their House members to vote for them. They are looking forward to representing their Houses and setting a good example for younger pupils.
- Dragons: Poppy and Zara
- Unicorns: Amelia and Isabella
- Phoenix: Charlotte and Tea
- Griffins: Pippa and Maisie
At the Lower School, we strongly believe in nurturing leadership skills in our girls from a young age and our House Captains are just some of the roles girls can step up for.
Giving girls these leadership roles allows them to develop confidence in their abilities and a sense of responsibility. As House Captains, they will have the opportunity to represent their Houses, manage activities, and lead their peers. These experiences are invaluable in helping them realise their potential to make a positive impact.
Moreover, involving the girls in school leadership roles emphasises the importance we place on ‘pupil voice’. It means that our girls have a say in shaping their educational experiences and can contribute to decision-making processes within the school community. This fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment, instilling in them the belief that they can actively influence the direction of their education.
From further developing their teamwork and cooperation to motivating them to work alongside their peers and promote unity within their Houses, these, and the other leadership roles available at the Lower School, also develop organisational and time-management skills.
These roles are not only about leadership but also about the active engagement of our pupils in shaping their educational journey. We look forward to seeing our girls thrive in these positions and continue to contribute positively to our school community.