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Inspiring Queens

Queen’s is a constant, and no matter how many generations pass through the doors, there is a security in knowing what was, continues to be. 

Our new academic year started on the 7th of September, and little were we to know that by the 8th we would be mourning the sudden and unexpected death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen’s has always been inspired by Queens; from the foresight of Queen Victoria in establishing a school for educating young women to the example set by our late Queen with her steadfast work ethic and commitment to duty; Queens will remain enduring role models for us for many years to come.  

On Friday, 3rd February the 75th anniversary of Nedham House, the foundation of the Queen’s Lower School, was celebrated. It was a wonderful opportunity to delve into our archives and get a sense of all that has been, and with many alumnae visiting us on the day, the children had the chance to listen to the first-hand experiences of ‘Neddies’ from the past. With three granddaughters of our benefactress Mrs Phyllis Brown cutting the celebratory cake, and an opportunity for tours and nostalgic chats, the day was much enjoyed by all. We are looking forward to marking our 80th!  

Sport remains a pivotal part of our holistic education, with the opportunity to learn new skills, together with an enjoyment of the benefits of wellbeing and self-esteem. Following the success and inspiration of the Lionesses on the world stage, football training joined hockey and netball training in the autumn term this year and the girls enjoyed many opportunities to play fixtures against other schools. Their skills were equally matched by their fierce competitiveness, a heartening Queen’s characteristic. 

The coronation of King Charles III on the 6th May gave the children an opportunity to have a red, white and blue day to celebrate this historical occasion. The weather was kind and in the middle of coronation activities, the children had the chance to enjoy a lovely picnic lunch on the grass under the watchful eye of our grand Victorian buildings. The QSPA kindly donated a commemorative pin for every girl in the school as a memento of the day, and I’m sure these will be treasured for many years to come.  

Community has always been pivotal in our endeavours. We were delighted to be part of the new Northgate development opening in November and Year 6 enjoyed creating bespoke banners for the event. Last year, we also contributed by filling a time capsule, which was ceremoniously placed by some of our Lower School girls. I wonder where they will be, and what they will have experienced when it is opened once more in many years to come.  

Constancy is comforting. In an uncertain world, we rely on certainty, and although seasons come and go, the very fabric of our School remains constant and familiar. During the year, the children had a chance to compare archive materials with their present-day experiences, and it was heartening to see their recognition of familiarity; academic rigour, sport, creative pursuits, and outdoor education continue to feature, but what cannot be captured in a photograph is the ethos and values which make this school so very special and recognised over the years.

Queen’s is a constant, and no matter how many generations pass through the doors, there is a security in knowing what was, continues to be.  

Head of Lower School Iona Carmody

Iona Carmody
Head of Lower School