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Celebrating STEM

Year 5 visited the Senior School as part of British Science Week to do a STEM activity. They learned about rockets and how they fly and were then tasked with designing and building their own rockets. At the end of the session across the hall the rockets were launched across the school hall. There were points for flying the rockets through hoops hanging from the ceiling! 

In the afternoon the girls 5 delved into the world of Ancient Greek education, exploring the differences between schools  now and in 5th century Athens.  Most of them agreed that being a school girl today would be better than learning spinning and weaving in Athens, or having to learn long passages of Homer by heart!  

The girls then tried to use the Greek alphabet with the help of Sixth Form classicists, learning to write their names and decode some Greek words we still use today, like mega and micro, phone and graffiti!  

STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
STEM activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School
Ancient Greek activity at Senior School