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Annual Festival of Music

The Queen’s School Annual Festival of Music had competitors from all year groups participating in a range of different instrumental, vocal and ensemble classes.

Both adjudicators Aidan Bradley and Claire Dunham were impressed with the talent and array of different genres and styles of music throughout the day and enjoyed listening to the high standards of musical performances.

The winners’ concert in the afternoon was a celebration of performances, prizes and well-deserved trophy winners.

The Music Department and School are very proud of the talented musicians we have and we look forward to next year’s event!


Preliminary Class
Lotus, Year 10


Intermediate Class
Liana, Year 7


Ann Brotherhood Vocal Trophy
Grace, Year 11 


Junior Vocal Trophy
Ava, Year 8


Self Accompanied Solo Singer
Holly, Year 12


Swann Woodwind Trophy
Rosie, Year 13


String Trophy
Raka, Year 13


Gill Church Brass Cup
Lili, Year 12


Preliminary Piano Trophy
Emily, Year 12


Piano Trophy
Genevieve, Year 10


Musicality Trophy
Ava, Year 8


 Runner Up
Rosie, Year 13


Overall Winner
Genevieve, Year 10



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Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival
Music Festival