Sarah Davies-Bennion (Lewis Bennion) ’05

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Sarah Davies-Bennion (Lewis Bennion) ’05

Sarah studied Modern & Medieval Languages at Cambridge University and is now an interior designer in London Sarah left Queen’s in 2005 and is an interior designer in London.

Since leaving school she has moved around rather a lot, living in Cambridge, Nuremberg (Germany), York, Oxford and London. Sarah has since managed to stay put in the capital, where she worked as an interior designer at Nicola Harding and Co before moving to Kate Guiness Design in October 2020.

At Queen’s Sarah took A-levels in English Literature, French and German, alongside an AS-level in Geography. Inspired by her sardonic, yet passionate, German teacher, Mrs. Maddocks, who regularly gave up her free time to discuss German novels and plays, Sarah applied and was accepted to Cambridge University to read Modern & Medieval Languages (German and French). This gave her the opportunity to study literature, art, philosophy and language, indulging her curiosity and passion for the arts both within the context of her course and beyond. She was also able to build her confidence by spending a year living and working in Germany as a translator for multinational manufacturing conglomerate, Siemens.

By dint of necessity rather than desire, Sarah subsequently went on to work as a management consultant in the City of London and later on Canary Wharf where she was able to use both the analytical and communication skills she had developed throughout her school and university careers.

However, after a number of years pursuing this career path, Sarah ultimately took the decision to try to bring her personal passions for art, ideas and creativity and her professional life into greater harmony with one another. This saw her undertaking a course in interior design at KLC School of Design in London before embarking upon a career in the interior design industry. She sincerely believes this significant shift in career focus is one she could not have made without the confidence instilled in her during her education.

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