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School Fees

Academic Year 2024-2025 Per Term
Sixth Form £6,439
Senior School  £6,439
Lower School Infants (Rec – Year 2) £4,266
Juniors (Year 3 – Year 6) £4,776 

The fees are inclusive of VAT 

The school participates in the nursery voucher scheme.

The fees include the cost of:

  • all tuition
  • most textbooks and stationery
  • external examination entry fees.

Extra costs will be incurred for:

  • school uniform
  • lunches, which are compulsory up to the end of Year 11
  • individual or shared music and speech and drama lessons
  • trips and outings


Optional Extra Tuition

Academic Year 2024-2025
Individual Instrumental/vocal lessons
10 weekly 30 minute lessons per term.*
£19.50 per lesson, payable in advance.
Shared Instrumental/vocal lessons
10 weekly 30 minute lessons per term. *
(only available following consultation with the teacher)
£13.50 per lesson, payable in advance.
Individual speech and drama lessons
10 weekly 30 minute lessons per term.*
£18 per lesson, payable in advance.
Shared speech and drama lessons
10 weekly 30 minute lessons per term. *
(only available following consultation with the teacher)
£15 per lesson, payable in advance.

* a term’s written notice is required to terminate classes. Fees are to be paid within 2 weeks of the commencement of each term’s lessons.


School Meals

Charges for school meals will be:

Academic Year 2024-2025
Senior School £340 per term
Lower School £330 per term

These charges will be billed termly in advance. A reduction to the termly charge will be made in the summer term for Year 11 pupils who are absent for study leave and the exam period.

Lunches in Sixth Form are optional but are charged at £5.75 per day as taken, and are billed termly in arrears.