Bursaries and Scholarships
There are several academic Scholarships available to girls at Queen’s, both at Year 7 entry and in the Sixth Form. Each Scholarship signifies excellence in the area to which it relates and should be a source of great pride to the holder. Each Scholarship is essentially an honorary award but does also carry a small financial award, which is credited to the pupil’s account in the term in which it is awarded.
Queen’s Scholars: There are a number of Queen’s Scholarship awards available each year to girls joining the Senior School at Year 7, and these are offered to girls of outstanding academic distinction, based on the results of the entrance examination. The Scholarship carries with it the title of “Queen’s Scholar” which a girl is entitled to use, for example, in her application to the university, to give further evidence of her high ability level. The names of all recipients are published in The Times. This Scholarship attracts a financial award of £250.
Amanda Latham Arts Scholarship: This Scholarship is awarded in Year 12 to a pupil who is taking Pre-U Art, for outstanding ability in Art. This Scholarship carries a financial award of £500.
Sixth Form Academic Scholarship: A number of scholarships are awarded each year to current Queen’s School pupils on entry into Queen’s Sixth Form, for academic excellence. Each Scholarship attracts a financial award of £500 and is awarded on the basis of an examination and interview held in the Autumn term of Year 11.