Bursaries and Scholarships

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Bursaries & Scholarships

Although this is a fee-paying school there are opportunities for parents to obtain financial assistance for their daughters at Infant, Year 7 and Year 12 entry.

The Governors of The Queen’s School are committed to broadening access to the school by offering eligible parents financial support for girls attending our Senior School. Such support is known as a bursary and is awarded by way of a discount on tuition fees, depending on the financial, compassionate or other relevant circumstances of applicants. Bursaries are means-tested and awards are made on a combination of academic merit and financial need at the absolute discretion of the Governors. For entry in 2024-2025 households with a total gross income exceeding £55,000 are unlikely to qualify for financial assistance, and there is a sliding scale below this upper limit, to ensure those most in need obtain the most assistance. Due to the limited resources of the School’s Bursary Fund not every eligible application for a bursary will be successful.

There are two categories of bursaries:



Entry Bursaries

Bursaries will normally be provided when girls enter the School in the Infants (Rec, Year 1, Year 2), Year 7 or Year 12 only. These are known as entry bursaries and will be offered to parents who are unable to provide the tuition fees. These can be renewed each academic year, subject to need.


Hardship Bursaries

Subject to the budgetary constraints for the bursary scheme, the School will also provide means-tested assistance with fees for cases of sudden, unforeseen need experienced by families of existing pupils. These are known as hardship bursaries and generally, apply for a short time period only.



Parents who wish to apply for a bursary will need to complete a bursary application form, available from the Admissions Manager. The information provided to the School will also be reviewed and assessed by our external partner, Bursary Administration Limited, whose process will in most cases involve a home visit and financial review to ensure that information submitted has been correctly interpreted and that the basis of the assessment is fair.

The level of bursary support offered varies depending upon parental need and bursary funds available but can extend to full fee remission. Once awarded, the amount of the bursary will be reviewed annually and its value each year will depend upon parental income, family circumstances and funding available. The value of a bursary award is therefore guaranteed only for the academic year in which it is granted.

In the event of a pupil leaving The Queen’s School before entering the Sixth Form the Governors, at their discretion, reserve the right to make a retrospective decision to remove the award for the pupil’s last year at the school.

The names of award holders will not be made public.

For further information or application forms, please contact:

Director of Finance, The Queen’s School, City Walls Road, Chester, CH1 2NN
Tel: (01244) 312078
Email secretary@thequeensschool.co.uk

Independent school
North West England
Highest Possible
Inspection rate of ‘Excellent’ in all areas.
Gold Level Award
Outstanding careers provisions

There are several academic Scholarships available to girls at Queen’s, both at Year 7 entry and in the Sixth Form. Each Scholarship signifies excellence in the area to which it relates and should be a source of great pride to the holder. Each Scholarship is essentially an honorary award but does also carry a small financial award, which is credited to the pupil’s account in the term in which it is awarded.

Year 7 entry

Queen’s Scholars: There are a number of Queen’s Scholarship awards available each year to girls joining the Senior School at Year 7, and these are offered to girls of outstanding academic distinction, based on the results of the entrance examination. The Scholarship carries with it the title of “Queen’s Scholar” which a girl is entitled to use, for example, in her application to the university, to give further evidence of her high ability level. The names of all recipients are published in The Times. This Scholarship attracts a financial award of £250.

Sixth Form

Amanda Latham Arts Scholarship: This Scholarship is awarded in Year 12 to a pupil who is taking Pre-U Art, for outstanding ability in Art. This Scholarship carries a financial award of £500.

Sixth Form Academic Scholarship: A number of scholarships are awarded each year to current Queen’s School pupils on entry into Queen’s Sixth Form, for academic excellence. Each Scholarship attracts a financial award of £500 and is awarded on the basis of an examination and interview held in the Autumn term of Year 11.