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We understand how important choosing the right school for your daughter is, so we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Our admissions process is totally unique to each specific enquiry. We get to know your individual needs and tailor the experience, so you feel sure that together you have made the right choice for your daughter.

The best way to get a feel for Queen’s, our pupils and staff, is to visit us. We encourage all families who have any potential interest in the school to join us for a tour and get a feel for the environment. Prospective pupils are also always welcome to come for a taster day at a time that suits them.

There are many points in which your daughter’s Queen’s journey can begin. The first step is to decide upon the entry point right for you and your family.

Our Admissions Team is always happy to help or explain things in more detail. You can register for an event, tour or taster day online or alternatively call us on 01244 312 078 or email


Registration entry point
Your Admissions Journey

We are so pleased that you are considering The Queen’s School for your daughter. Here you can find out all the important milestones and dates to ensure a smooth transition.

Simply enter her date of birth and year of entry you are interested in below and we will give you an overview of the admissions process from now to when you join our Queen’s Community. Please feel free get in touch with any questions you may have by emailing

Start Your Journey
Admissions Process
Admissions Journey – Lower School

Girls are usually admitted into The Lower School at the start of the academic year (1st September – 31st August) in which they turn five. Your admissions journey?often starts with a tour of the school by our Head of Lower School, Miss Carmody, or by attending one of our events. You can register for a place at at any stage before our assessments.

Our play-based assessments take place in January of the year of entry. Your daughter will spend time with our Early Years specialist team who will assess her through several play-based activities. Great care is taken to ensure that girls are relaxed and happy. We find it helps if your daughter is already familiar with the school and our staff and would encourage you both to join us at as many of our open events leading up to her assessment as you can. These would typically include Parent and Daughter Forest Fun, Teddy Bear Picnic, Open House and Festive Fun.

In the spring and summer terms, before your daughter starts school, our Lower School team will make a formal visit to her pre-school or nursery. These visits are an essential first step to building a relationship with both staff and girls.

We will then invite all our new reception pupils to attend a Forest Day session. Your daughter will have a buddy and together they will enjoy a range of activities and a picnic.?Following this, a ‘Moving up Morning’ also provides another opportunity for your daughter to meet teaching staff, enjoy time in her new classroom, play outside, and make new friends.

New and current parents will then come together before the summer break for a ‘Meet and Mingle’ evening to meet staff and each other in an informal and relaxed setting.

When September arrives, your daughter will be familiar with staff, her new learning environment, and the other girls, enabling her to have a seamless transition into this all-important first year of school.

Admissions Journey – Senior School

Our largest intake for pupils at the Senior School is in Year 7. We have several open events designed to show you why Queen’s is the best school for your daughter, such as our October Open Morning, Saturday Series Transition Programme and Activities Day. Private tours can also be arranged throughout the year, during term time.

Following our October half term, we will invite girls in Year 6 to join us for a personalised taster day. Your daughter can pick up to 5 of her favourite subjects from our vast range of Year 7 lessons, including Spanish, Mandarin, Latin, English, maths, PE, drama, music, art, physics, biology, chemistry, history, RS, DT, geography, and computer science.

You can register for a place at at any stage before our assessment day in January. Those registered will be sent practice papers and information about our bursary provision, if requested.

Our entrance assessments take place in January of the year of entry. An offer of a place is determined by performance in maths, English and a computer-based verbal and non-verbal reasoning assessment. We also will contact your daughter’s school to request school reports and a reference.

In the summer term, before your daughter joins us, we have several events to help make her transition to Queen’s as easy as possible. These include a visit to her primary school by our Head of Year, a Meet the Teacher Day, and a Treasure Hunt morning. While your daughter has fun exploring our Senior School with new friends, you are invited to join us for an Information Breakfast.

When September arrives, your daughter will be familiar with staff, her new learning environment, and the other girls, enabling her to have a seamless transition into this all-important first year of secondary school.

Admissions Journey – Sixth Form

We welcome applicants from Year 11 pupils wishing to join us for their A-level studies in Year 12. We have a very wide range of academic subjects available, with small class sizes and award-winning careers and higher education advice. You can register for a place at

We invite any prospective pupils in Years 10 and 11 to join us at our Sixth Form Open Evening held in October. As well as meeting our pupils and teaching staff, you will hear about Q-Elevate, an academic enrichment and bespoke future skills programme, carefully curated to ensure that your daughter is prepared to meet challenges and lead confidently in the future.?

After our October Open Evening, if your daughter is in Year 11, she will be invited to join us for a personlised Sixth Form taster day. We will create a bespoke timetable for her, including up to 5 A-level subjects of her choice and a careers chat with our Head of Careers, Mrs Dawson.

During the autumn term of Year 11, we will seek a reference from your daughter’s current school and request copies of school reports and predicted grades. For those who meet our entrance criteria, they will be invited in for an interview with our Head of Sixth Form, Mr Wilson. Our offers will be conditional on GCSE results, details of which will be included in your letter.

To give all students the best possible start, subject staff will prepare some introductory activities for your daughter to complete over the summer break before she joins us in Year 12.?These tasks are not intended to be burdensome but instead to engage your daughter’s interests and encourage her to begin the processes of thought and investigation necessary in each subject area.

In September, all our Year 12 pupils take part in an induction trip that helps introduce them to a new range of study skills they will need to succeed at A-level. Your daughter will undertake activities that will help her appreciate her personal strengths and learn about areas for personal development, as well as introducing her to new friends, tutors and staff from the sixth form leadership team.

Lower School – Reception Entry

Girls are usually admitted into The Lower School at the start of the academic year (1st September – 31st August) in which they turn five. Your admissions journey?often starts with a tour of the school by our Head of Lower School, Miss Carmody, or by attending one of our events. You can register for a place at at any stage before our assessments.

Our play-based assessments take place in January of the year of entry. Your daughter will spend time with our Early Years specialist team who will assess her through several play-based activities. Great care is taken to ensure that girls are relaxed and happy. We find it helps if your daughter is already familiar with the school and our staff and would encourage you both to join us at as many of our open events leading up to her assessment as you can. These would typically include Parent and Daughter Forest Fun, Teddy Bear Picnic, Open House and Festive Fun.

In the spring and summer terms, before your daughter starts school, our Lower School team will make a formal visit to her pre-school or nursery. These visits are an essential first step to building a relationship with both staff and girls.

We will then invite all our new reception pupils to attend a Forest Day session. Your daughter will have a buddy and together they will enjoy a range of activities and a picnic.?Following this, a ‘Moving up Morning’ also provides another opportunity for your daughter to meet teaching staff, enjoy time in her new classroom, play outside, and make new friends.

New and current parents will then come together before the summer break for a ‘Meet and Mingle’ evening to meet staff and each other in an informal and relaxed setting.

When September arrives, your daughter will be familiar with staff, her new learning environment, and the other girls, enabling her to have a seamless transition into this all-important first year of school.

Admissions Journey – Lower School (Years 1-6)

It is possible to join us in Lower School, at any stage, subject to spaces being available. By joining us in Lower School, your daughter will receive an automatic place at Senior School, subject to academic progress being maintained. To begin your admissions journey, we will invite you for a tour of the school with our Head of Lower School, Miss Carmody. You can register for a place at at any stage.

Following your tour, we will invite your daughter to join us for a full taster day, which is the best way to experience what life at Queen’s is really like. We always create a bespoke experience for every girl who joins us, so your daughter would be able to pick her favourite day that might include music, drama, swimming, science, French or art. She would also be welcome to join one of our many co-curricular clubs that run during the day or after school.

As part of our admissions process, your daughter will be assessed in maths and English. We can either assess your daughter during her taster day or we can arrange a second visit. Your daughter’s ability to grasp new concepts is more important to us than evidence of absolute knowledge. These assessments will be held in a friendly classroom, enabling her to demonstrate her strengths in a supportive and encouraging environment. We will also ask your daughter’s school for reports and a reference.

Once our offer is made, your daughter is welcome to join us at any stage during the academic year or in the following September. We understand how daunting a school move can be, so every transition is planned carefully, to ensure your daughter is happy and confident in her move to Queen’s.

Admissions Journey – Senior School (Year 7 Entry)

Our largest intake for pupils at the Senior School is in Year 7. We have several open events designed to show you why Queen’s is the best school for your daughter, such as our October Open Morning, Saturday Series Transition Programme and Activities Day. Private tours can also be arranged throughout the year, during term time.

Following our October half term, we will invite girls in Year 6 to join us for a personalised taster day. Your daughter can pick up to 5 of her favourite subjects from our vast range of Year 7 lessons, including Spanish, Mandarin, Latin, English, maths, PE, drama, music, art, physics, biology, chemistry, history, RS, DT, geography, and computer science.

You can register for a place at at any stage before our assessment day in January. Those registered will be sent practice papers and information about our bursary provision, if requested.

Our entrance assessments take place in January of the year of entry. An offer of a place is determined by performance in maths, English and a computer-based verbal and non-verbal reasoning assessment. We also will contact your daughter’s school to request school reports and a reference.

In the summer term, before your daughter joins us, we have several events to help make her transition to Queen’s as easy as possible. These include a visit to her primary school by our Head of Year, a Meet the Teacher Day, and a Treasure Hunt morning. While your daughter has fun exploring our Senior School with new friends, you are invited to join us for an Information Breakfast.

When September arrives, your daughter will be familiar with staff, her new learning environment, and the other girls, enabling her to have a seamless transition into this all-important first year of secondary school.

Admissions Journey – Senior School (Years 8-10)

It is possible to join us in Senior School at any stage up to the start of Year 10, subject to spaces being available. We encourage applications as early as possible to ensure your daughter has complete flexibility when choosing her GCSE options, which is done during Year 9. You can register your daughter for a place at

Families can join us for a private tour throughout the year. During your tour we will explore the school, see lessons in action, meet our Head of Careers, Mrs Dawson, and any other member of staff you would like to meet.

We would then invite your daughter to join us for a personalised taster day. This will give her the opportunity to meet our teachers and pupils, join us for snack, lunch, and co-curricular clubs. During this taster day, your daughter can pick up to 5 of her favourite subjects from our vast range of Senior School lessons, including French, Spanish, Mandarin, Latin, English Literature, English Language, maths, PE, drama, music, physics, biology, chemistry, history, RS, art, applied design, DT, geography, and computer science.

Our entrance assessments can take place at any time throughout the year. An offer of a place is determined by performance in maths, English and a computer-based verbal and non-verbal reasoning assessment. We also will contact your daughter’s school to request school reports and a reference.

Once an offer has been made, your daughter can join us in the following September or at any stage throughout the year. We will work closely with you and create a bespoke transition plan for your daughter, to help her settle quickly and easily to life at Queen’s.

Admissions Journey – Sixth Form

We welcome applicants from Year 11 pupils wishing to join us for their A-level studies in Year 12. We have a very wide range of academic subjects available, with small class sizes and award-winning careers and higher education advice. You can register for a place at

We invite any prospective pupils in Years 10 and 11 to join us at our Sixth Form Open Evening held in October. As well as meeting our pupils and teaching staff, you will hear about Q-Elevate, an academic enrichment and bespoke future skills programme, carefully curated to ensure that your daughter is prepared to meet challenges and lead confidently in the future.

After our October Open Evening, if your daughter is in Year 11, she will be invited to join us for a personlised Sixth Form taster day. We will create a bespoke timetable for her, including up to 5 A-level subjects of her choice and a careers chat with our Head of Careers, Mrs Dawson.

During the autumn term of Year 11, we will seek a reference from your daughter’s current school and request copies of school reports and predicted grades. For those who meet our entrance criteria, they will be invited in for an interview with our Head of Sixth Form, Mr Wilson. Our offers will be conditional on GCSE results, details of which will be included in your letter.

To give all students the best possible start, subject staff will prepare some introductory activities for your daughter to complete over the summer break before she joins us in Year 12. These tasks are not intended to be burdensome but instead to engage your daughter’s interests and encourage her to begin the processes of thought and investigation necessary in each subject area.

In September, all our Year 12 pupils take part in an induction trip that helps introduce them to a new range of study skills they will need to succeed at A-level. Your daughter will undertake activities that will help her appreciate her personal strengths and learn about areas for personal development, as well as introducing her to new friends, tutors and staff from the sixth form leadership team.

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Keeping in touch

We would like to keep you informed of events, activities and news about the Queen’s School. Please let us know how you would like us to communicate this information with you.